編按:這是1970年4月25日《紐約時報》頭版的刺蔣報導,由馮賢賢女士逐句翻譯為中文。考慮到版權問題,我們保留該網頁的呈現方式。附帶一提,當時黃文雄是從飯店南方的亭仔腳走過來,不是報導所說的「黃文雄跳過58街那邊入口的盆栽」衝過來,有警探說「他突然冒出來,我們不知道他從哪裡跑出來的」,這比較符合當下的情況吧。另外,報導說台灣獨立聯盟主席蔡同榮博士指出「黃是康乃爾大學工業工程的研究生」,不知何以有此錯誤?當時黃文雄是康乃爾大學社會學博士生。黃文雄是一位喜歡思考、凡事想很多的人,他在行刺之前(含前一晚)設想很多情境,比如若有記者會他要怎麼講……。他被警察壓在地面時喊「Let me stand up like a Taiwanese」,雖然不是事先就想好的,但那是意識層裡的邏輯產物;倒是這篇報導提到的「黃文雄被戴上手銬拖至馬路對面的巡邏車時高呼,『福爾摩沙萬歲,台灣萬歲,打倒蔣介石』」,黃文雄說他確實有事先想好,要先喊「Formosa」,因為多數台灣人喜歡用Formosa,接著喊「Taiwan」,這樣比較清楚,最後喊美國人熟悉的「Chiang Kai shek」。這是思想型刺客的「台詞」。(周婉窈2022/01/27)
Entrance to the Plaza Hotel Is the Scene of Assassination Attempt
By Joseph Lelyveld
- April 25, 1970
Credit…The New York Times Archives
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April 25, 1970, Page 1Buy Reprints
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A Taiwanese fired a pistol at Chiang Kai‐shek’s son and heir apparent, Chiang Ching‐kuo, in a revolving door at the Plaza Hotel here yesterday, but missed when a detective grabbed his wrist just before the gun went off.
Mr. Chiang, Nationalist China’s Deputy Premier, stepped into the hotel lobby uninjured, and apparently unruffled, as detectives wrestled the assassin to the ground 10 feet away.
The police identified the gun man as Peter Huang, 32 years old, and said he was a member of a newly formed movement called the World United Formosans for Independence, which is dedicated to overthrowing the Nationalist regime that has ruled Taiwan since 1949. He was charged with attempted murder.
A second Taiwanese, an architect named Tzu‐tai Cheng, who lives in Jackson Heights, Queens, was also taken into custody. He was charged last night with “acting in concert” in the assassination attempt.
Suspect Attends Cornell
Dr. Trong R. Chai, president of the World United Formosans, identified Cheng as the organization’s executive secretary and Huang as a graduate student in industrial engineering at Cornell University.
“No comment,” was his reply last night when he was asked whether the organization had helped plan the attempt. “This will give great encouragement to all the Taiwanese people,” he declared.
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Earlier in the day, appearing badly shaken and surprised, Dr. Chai had denied that his group had any responsibility for the incident.
Last night another spokes man for the group, Dr. Lung chu Chen, issued a statement saying that the group was “in no way associated” with the assassination attempt and “can only deplore” it.
Mr. Chiang, who is 60 and has already taken over the day to‐day charge of the Government from his 82‐year‐old father, proceeded to address a luncheon given in his honor by the Far East‐America Council of Commerce and Industry. He did not allude to the attempt on his life, but an aide quoted him later as having said, “If the young man had asked to see me, I would have received him.”
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Many in the noontime crowds of the hotel’s Palm Court just off the lobby appeared unaware of what had happened even as Mr. Chiang went through the lobby on his way to the luncheon. Only after crowds of police officials and newsmen gathered did ripples of concern stir through the lobby.
In Washington, Robert J. McClosky, the State Department spokesman, promptly expressed “shock” over the incident. Later, President Nixon, Secretary of State William P. Rogers and Mayor Lindsay all expressed their regrets for the incident and their relief over the visitor’s escape.
The Deputy Premier had flown here aboard a United States Air Force plane from Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, after talks there with Mr. Rogers and the President.
He arrived at La Guardia Air port and was driven to the Plaza. About 30 members of the World United Formosans were picketing on the opposite side of the street with signs saying, “We represent the silenced majority” and “Taiwan is neither free nor China,” when his limousine pulled up to the hotel’s Fifth Avenue entrance shortly after noon.
Others Join Battle
According to the police, Mr. Chiang walked up the steps and entered the revolving door as Huang, wearing a raincoat and beads around his neck, leaped over potted plants near the 58th Street side of the entrance. Brandishing a pistol, he brushed by Detective Henry Suarez and Mr. Chiang’s aide de camp and thrust his aim into the revolving door.
“He came from nowhere — we don’t know where he came from,” Detective Suarez said later. “We had our eye on the subject.”
Someone shouted, “He’s got a gun,” and Detective James Zeide, who was just a step in front of Detective Suarez, lunged for the gunman’s wrist and wrestled him to the ground. He was holding Huang’s 25‐caliber Beretta automatic when it went off, leaving a hole the size of a half dollar in the glass door.
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Detective Zeide, a thick‐set man of 37, said he continued to squeeze Huang’s wrist as hard as he could to make him drop the weapon, but felt its muzzle pressing on his stomach as they fought. Detective Suarez and two uniformed officers instantly joined in and helped to disarm the gunman.
“Long live Formosa, long live Taiwan, down with Chiang Kai shek,” Huang cried as he was dragged in handcuffs across the street to a patrol car.
Just then, an unidentified patrolman called out, “Wait, we’ve got another,” and dragged a second Taiwanese to the car, later identified as the architect, Cheng, whose head was badly cut and bruised after having been beaten to the ground by the police.
Inspector William Averill of the Third Detective District said later that the police had “sufficient reason” to believe that Cheng was an accomplice of Mr. Chiang’s assailant, but declined to furnish the details of his arrest.
Dr. Lung‐chu Chen, a spokesman for the World United Formosans for Independence, arrived on the scene after the shooting, but before the assailant had been identified by the police.
“We certainly did not plan it,” he said. “It must have been an individual act. I arrived too late to see anything, but from what I am told by my associates we do not know who did the shooting, or if he was a Formosan.”
Dr. Chai, a political scientist on the faculty of St. Francis College in Brooklyn, appeared distraught when he arrived on the scene. “It was not done by anyone in our group as far as we know,” he declared.
Dr. Chai then canceled plans to picket Mr. Chiang when he appeared later in the afternoon at a tea given by the Council on Foreign Relations at 68th Street and Park Avenue.
Both Huang and his alleged accomplice were taken to St. Clare’s Hospital on West 51st Street for treatment of bruises before interrogation by detectives and agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation at the 18th Precinct station, on West 54th Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues.
Judge John T. Brickley ordered the two men held without bail for a hearing Tuesday.
Federal Aide Praised
In Washington, Mr. McCloskey that that a State Department security man, Alfred Boyd, had assisted in deflecting the assailant’s gun. Mr. Boyd’s role was not described by the police here when they gave their account of the incident.
In his address at the luncheon, Mr. Chiang called attention to Taiwan’s booming foreign trade, which amounted to more than $2.5‐billion last year. He spoke in Chinese and his address was then translated for his audience’s benefit.
As he delivered the speech, two security men stood on guard on the dais, only a few feet behind him.
As it happened, his address contained a quotation from Confucious that he might have applied to his experience in the revolving door.
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“Death has always the lot of all men,” the sage wrote, “but a people without faith cannot survive.”
A former Defense Minister, Mr. Chiang has charge of the regime’s secret police and security agencies.
He was trained for 12 years in the Soviet Union and established a Soviet‐style organization of political commissars in the Nationalist Army on his return to China.
Huang arrived here in 1967 and has lived in Ithaca. His alleged accomplice, Cheng, resides at 76‐09 34th Avenue, in Jackson Heights.
The Deputy Premier’s itinerary was unaffected by the incident, but security precautions were heightened. After his meeting with the Council on Foreign Relations, he drove to Chinatown for dinner with members of the Chinese Benevolent Association at 50 Mott Street.
The narrow street was closed to traffic by the police and the 300 guests at the banquet were nearly outnumbered by the security men on hand.
This morning he is to fly to Colorado for a visit to the Air Force Academy.
In his message to Mr. Chiang, Secretary of State Rogers said: “Please accept my deep apologies for this unfortunate occurrence. I trust that it will not mar the remainder of your highly successful and widely appreciated visit.”
(本文轉載自:臺灣與海洋亞洲 2022/01/27 網站文章)